Saturday, February 4, 2017

Literacy Week

Hollywood Hills Elementary School loves Literacy Week! It is an opportunity to show our gratitude enthusiasm, and seriousness for reading. We participated in lots of special activities which included dress up days, having guest readers, designing and creating a bulletin board, and even READING! Our bulletin board theme was "United We Read" because as a class we encourage each other to read daily. We welcomed a special guest reader, Mrs. Walker. She brought cookies and read a book about two famous football players named Tiki and Ronde Barber. Lastly, we with reading buddies from Mrs. Gold's kindergarten class. That was so much fun! Who knew kindergartners were so little?! Overall, Literacy Week was a huge success. We look forward to celebrating literacy everyday.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Practice Makes Perfect!

This week, the third, fourth, and fifth graders are participating in the BSA which is a computer-based test designed to help them prepare for the upcoming FSA, or Florida Standards Assessment. They were given 75 minutes to answer questions about math and reading. As they say, practice makes perfect!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Field Day Fun

Field Day at HHE was a huge success! While it was really hot, we played it very cool. Our class participated in many events, including Tug of War, Obstacle Course, Over-Under Relay, Jump Rope Relay, and the 80-yard Dash. Our class won the Jump Rope Relay in speedy fashion while our girls running in the 80-yard Dash took second and third places. We're a fast group! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Goal Getters!

Accelerated Reader is a huge part of reading in third grade! Students are able to check-out books from the school library that are perfectly suited for them. The books are leveled based on fluency and interest Each quarter, students are assigned a point goal to work towards before the end of the grading period. The point goal is based on the students reading for 30 minutes each day. They are also expected to maintain an 85% average score on the comprehension tests.

At the conclusion of the first quarter, two students had met their point goals and maintained an 85% average or higher. Alexa and Andres read tons of books. Andres actually earned 30 points!

Congratulations! I am looking forward to even more students meeting their reading goals at the end of the second quarter.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Citizenship - Kid of Character

Congratulations to Alexa! She was elected our classroom Kid of Character for the month of November. Citizenship has been our recent focus. Alexa exhibits excellent character in our classroom and school community. She is a responsible student who takes pride in completing her assignments on time and doing them well. She also shows great support and encouragement to her classmates. We are so proud of Alexa!

Who are these turkeys?

Honors Assembly

This morning, the third graders enjoyed an opportunity to praise and honor their peers who earned A Honor Roll, A and B Honor Roll, and Citizenship Awards for the first quarter. It was an awesome time to celebrate the hard work and dedication these students demonstrated. It was also an excellent time for those students who did not earn an award to set goals for next quarter. We have our eyes set on a class sweep of the stage!